November 2023 News from your State CSEA

The year 2023 is moving fast and furious. CSEA held a Bylaws meeting chaired by Joyce Cheng

 This is Louis Avalos serving as the CSEA Board Director for the OC chapter.

 The CSEA Bylaws meeting was held on October 24, 2023. Here are some of the highlights from the meeting.

 Joyce Cheng began the meeting to review the ongoing items and tasks assigned to various members at the last meeting.

The item of interest was the definition of active retirement. What is happening members are retiring their business then a friend or two shows up and begs for your assistance in preparing a return. Before you know it you are working in retirement helping clients or working for a non-profit like VITA helping others with their taxes. This has prompted the state of active retirement. The goal is to allow members to continue practicing yet not be paying dues by becoming an Emeritus member. This should define what the Emeritus status will look like for future membership needs. Once a members decides to retire from his active practice he could apply for Emeritus status.  There are some open items such as at what point should a member convert back to full membership? Does the Emeritus status allow the same pricing as a full member? These items will be sent to membership for consideration. These will be future items for the next meeting.

The rest of the meeting reviewed bylaw assignment to various members the changes were minor and did not produce any extended discussion.

The next meeting Bylaw is scheduled for November 28th at noon, and an update will be provided.