October News from your State Association

The new year has started, and all committees are getting busy – what’s new at CSEA?

Louis Avalos is serving as the CSEA Board Director for the OC chapter.

Here are the of some highlights that have occurred from the last meeting.

First the Super Seminar 2022 it was reported that the Super was a financial success. The attendance of virtual versus in person was about a 40/60 split. This being said next year’s Super will be offered in the same format virtual or in person. The date will be the week of June 19th at the Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV.

Second CSEA is offering the CSEA EA Exam Preparation Course (aka SEE Course) from August 16th to December 6th on Tuesday via Zoom. The presentation is very big success over 100 people signed up and in the process of completing the seventeen-week course.

Lastly the Latino TaxPro will be having their annual seminar meeting in Las Vegas and CSEA will have a booth to invite them to the SEE class and become Enrolled Agents. .

The various group meetings are schedule for the month of October if you wish to attend see the calendar on the CSEA website for time and zoom place.