November News from your State Association

The new year has started, and all committees are getting busy – what’s new at CSEA?

Louis Avalos is serving as the CSEA Board Director for the OC chapter.

First I trust everyone had busy tax season which closed for 2021 on October 17th even though we still have work it’s a much more controlled pace and allows us to breath and relax. Enjoy the next season is on the horizon.

I attended the PIA meeting here are the some of point of interest.

PIA is reviewing the types of languages the media should be delivered much like the IRS they would like to support the ones that will help the chapters. It was not decided how this would be done possible solutions could be a newsletter or website communication.

Vicki Mulack day is schedule for January 23 at the next meeting will determine a plan.

Disaster Preparedness program all chapters will be expected to have a plan addressing these issues. The committee will be calling each chapter for their plan status in 2023.

Enrolled Agent day is tentatively set for February 15th 2023 various ideas were brought up but no definitive plan this was deferred to the next meeting.

The various group meetings are schedule for the month of October if you wish to attend see the calendar on the CSEA website for time and zoom place. I will report on those in the next report.

The CSEA is busy prompting the Enrolled Agents as well defending our right to prepare taxes. Until the next meeting in November happy tax season to all.



Louis Avalos , MBA EA